Grey Areas, Christian Liberty, and Living a Life of Love (Part 1)
This lengthy blog post will bother some of you, perhaps even anger you. I understand that and am used to occasionally finding myself in the hot-seat for my views on scripture. Feel free to comment, argue with me, debate, disagree … but please do so politely. Disagreements abound in the body of Christ universally, and…
Read MoreAre There Good People? (Part 2)
Last week I shared the details of one of the most unnerving experiences Alean and I have endured in almost a decade, that glorious moment when my old beater car broke down in the middle lane of the 405 South bypass around Seattle during rush hour. But the bad news turned upward and became good…
Read MoreAre There Good People? (Part 1)
Alean and I were headed to Boston to visit our son and his fiancée, and to attend his graduation from MIT. We decided to get to the airport using my older vehicle since it was our intent to park it at the hotel for a week rather than pay the exorbitant prices for parking at…
Read MoreThree Temperaments That Must Govern God’s Gifting
A few days ago, Alean and I were driving into town to purchase a couple of items needed to complete Christmas gifts for the grandchildren. As we made the drive, our conversation veered into a discussion of those times we speak truth, but do so in damaging ways. In such situations the content of our…
Read More…and His Commands are not Burdensome
Late last evening, following the completion of a tiring “garage project” I relaxed with some cheese and crackers, and an episode of the retro series, Gunsmoke. This particular episode featured a family working its way toward California. There was no mother; just a nasty, selfish, hard father with his two cowering sons and terrified daughter.…
Read MoreFive Attributes of Our Relentless Pursuit of Holiness
“Holy non-sequiturs, Batman!” exclaimed Robin. Burt Ward (Robin) proclaimed holiness over more tangible items and bizarre circumstances than my feeble mind can dream up or imagine, addressing targets ranging from “Holy Agility” to “Holy Zoro.” Wikipedia notes 368 “Holy ___ ” exclamations made by Ward over the three seasons the original Batman series ran (1966-1968).…
Read MoreWe Are People – Not Categories
The following is an article I wrote and submitted to Christianity Today & Relevant magazines. Both declined to publish it, so I decided to just put it here. Enjoy. —————————————————— Vin Diesel has a new movie out. My level of interest in the movie is so low that I cannot recall its title or story…
Read MoreLoving People Who Are Not Like Me
From Chapter Seventeen of Finding Faith in Slow Motion: “It was nighttime and Jesus was eating with His disciples when a Canaanite woman came to Him, pleading for her daughter. Just like Jairus, the synagogue ruler who pleaded for his daughter, this woman was pleading for her daughter. To begin, recognize that this woman should not…
Read MoreJaywalking in Love
Having secured my cache of pharmaceuticals from Rite Aid, I pulled up to the Guide Meridian looking carefully to my left to see what, if anything, was coming from that direction. The Guide Meridian, widened from two lanes to four for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, BC, is inarguably the busiest arterial in Whatcom…
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