Posts Tagged ‘spiritual warfare’
Battle Tactics of the Enemy (Part 2)
Last week we looked at Satan’s disruptive tactics as the “accuser,” accusing God to humanity and accusing humanity to God. We also saw him as the “enticer of lusts.” This week, we continue our look at this enemy, knowing that understanding one’s enemy is a precursor to defeating that enemy. …so that we would not…
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I know of only three occasions in scripture where we read of Satan actually speaking – those incidents wherein he is dialoguing with Eve, dialoguing with God about Job, and when he is tempting Jesus I recognize that some want to attribute Isaiah 14:14 to Satan, “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;…
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A coworker of mine had a gut-wrenching conversation with his ten year old daughter who was struggling to understand why anyone would bomb a crowd of people at a marathon. It was one of those times wherein daughters look to their fathers as the one who has the answer to everything. He didn’t have a…
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