Posts Tagged ‘sacrifice’
A Sacrifice of Praise?
When I was working as a Campus Minister at Kansas University, we had devotionals every Friday evening. To some that seems like exactly the night you would not want to do such a thing, but it worked for us. It gave the students something wholesome to do on a Friday evening. A big part of devotional night…
Read MoreSix Ways the Sacrificial System Continues in Us
The sacrificial system seen throughout the Old Testament and continuing into the New Testament Gospels is a graphic reminder of the reality that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), and that it is precisely because of sin that death entered humanity’s existence (Romans 5:12). The concept of sacrifice is carried forward for the…
Read MoreChristmas From the Other Side
In 1984, I listened to a missionary describe a conversation he had with a gentleman cab driver from a country that views Christianity with great skepticism. The missionary hoped to learn what it is about the Christian faith that the man found so difficult to believe. He asked about belief in a supreme being. He…
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