Posts Tagged ‘Gospel’
What Do These Stones Mean?
I attended the funeral of a dear sister in Christ this past Saturday. Such gatherings are a mixed bag of emotion for believers. We grieved the loss, yet celebrated her victory. It is particularly difficult for her husband, also a dear friend. He has suffered an astounding loss, yet celebrates her being in the presence…
Read MoreA Bizarre Prayer From Jesus
Just this morning I read a heartbreaking thread from a young woman on Twitter who has decided that prayer is pointless and she has stopped praying as a result. Not cut back. Stopped. Completely. Several others chimed in with some form of, “Yeah, me too. Gave up praying years ago.” I’ll admit that I struggle…
Read MoreWhosoever Will
Toward the end of the last chapter of the last book of the Bible, we find this invitation. The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires, take the water of life without cost.– Revelation 22:17,…
Read MoreYou Have Been Commissioned by Jesus
Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.– Acts 8:4, NIV-1978 The scene above follows the infamous stoning of Stephen in Acts 7, the stoning which Saul/Paul seems to have given oversight, and certainly approval. Following the death of Stephen, “a great persecution broke out against the church at Jerusalem, and all…
Read MoreWullerton & Spiritual Obstinacy
Following the raising of Jairus’ daughter from the dead,1 and healing two blind men and a demon-possessed man,2 Jesus began working his way through Galilee, preaching, teaching, healing, and grieving over a populace that was “harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”3 The pitiable condition of the Galilean people left them well-disposed toward gospel truth, and…
Read MoreExcept for these Chains
“Shelter in place.” “Stay at home.” “Essential trips and services.” These are the familiar messages that bombard our radios, televisions, internet streams. The public reactions are varied, as state upon state issues such executive orders and Subject Matter Expert advisories. Many had previously volunteered to self-quarantine, recognizing the necessity of doing so, while others marched…
Read MoreStark Contrast Gospel in a Single Verse
Sometimes the simplest passage or single verse of scripture can be profound in its impact, packing a punch that is easy to read past. Occasionally I find myself reading through a chapter, or an entire book and though I would never verbalize it, in my mind I subconsciously say, “Yeah, yeah, I’ve read this before.…
Read MoreWhy I am NOT Ashamed of the Gospel
In its day, Rome was a proud city and empire, home of the elite, the statesmen, philosophers, artisans. The Roman empire had no great love for the Jews, and little respect for their “capital” city, Jerusalem. To the Roman, a Jew was a commoner at best, and a slave at worst. From this nation of…
Read MoreChristianese Phrases to Drop, #2
Some time ago, I proposed that those of us in the community of Christ need to lose the absurd phrase, “God showed up.” This week, I want to look at another “Christianese” phrase that needs to die a quick death – the phrase, “I led [insert name here] to the Lord.” This phrase is almost…
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