Posts Tagged ‘emotion’
The Blessing of Being Vulnerable
From the time I was very young, until I moved away from home, I was taught to stuff my emotions. In a move that still strikes me as over-the-top, when I was in the third or fourth grade my parents sent me to counseling where I learned to stuff my emotions more effectively. My father…
Read MoreThe Day God Smacked Me With a Hoodie
This week, I was summoned to Seattle, WA as part of a forty-three person federal jury pool from which twelve jurors would be selected to render a judgment on a criminal case involving child pornography. This required a two-and-a-half-hour drive into downtown Seattle, with its maze of congested one-way streets, and never-ending construction. In order…
Read MoreContemplate This Leaf
I have been a little grumpy lately. Alean (my best friend and my wife) has been out of state since early October. There are significant challenges at work. The Sun is breaking through less frequently in the Pacific Northwest as we move more deeply into Fall toward Winter. It has been a little tougher than…
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