Posts Tagged ‘Compromise’
Reexamining the Necessity of Culture Adoption (Part 2)
The Concern Last week we began a discussion of the church’s tendency to conform to culture rather than to conform to Christ, and to do so in the belief that the inherently offensive nature of the cross and the call to discipleship may be off-putting to those who need to hear the gospel message. In…
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I have attended and worked with enormous churches, and also with very small ones. I have worked with churches that delivered impressively polished, theater-worthy presentations, where event timing was measured in the seconds, all of it driven by headset-adorned technicians working feverishly behind the scenes to keep the flow of the service as smooth and…
Read MoreStaining Agent or Stain?
I have been thinking (and discussing with a friend) recently about the idea of being influenced as opposed to being an influencer. Those who study group and interpersonal dynamics sometimes speak of men and women who are natural leaders, and others who are natural followers. One with such a viewpoint would classify the leaders as…
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