Long-View Living Ministries
with Damon J. Gray
Free Downloads
In Christ Study
Decades ago, I began noticing the repeated phrase “in Christ” in scripture. Each time, I noted the scripture reference and wrote a brief description of what it means to be in Christ based on that verse or passage.
Bible Study Basics
Too many choose not to read or study their Bible because they are frustrated from prior efforts and have become intimidated. Don't! You CAN read and understand your Bible
Women Be Silent?
Did the apostle Paul teach the church at Corinth that women need to be silent while in church and that it is shameful for their voices to be heard?
Download the FREE comprehensive examination of what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13:34-38
Jesus' Miracles
We have thirty-seven miracles of Jesus (or as John calls them, "signs") recorded in the four gospels prior to the death and resurrection of Jesus. See them in parallel in this list/grid, laid out for easy study and comparison.
Divorce, Jesus & Paul
If you have suffered a divorce as a Christ-follower and feel marked by the church with a "Scarlet D," please get some peace with your situation.
Download this free study, "No Scarlet D - What Jesus and Paul really said about divorce."
Deep Dive on Baptism
Baptism has, oddly enough, become a controversial topic among many believers. Here is a deep-dive study on the topic of Christian baptism.

Long-view Living in a Short-view World
Everything we do as Christ follows must be done with eternity in view. From that broad baseline, Damon will begin prayerful study and preparation of a presentation designed specifically to help achieve your goals for the event.
See if Damon can speak at your next event today!
Recent Articles
Fellowship – It’s More Than Just a Meal
As I write this, I’m working on a manuscript chapter on being devoted to the fellowship, one of four basic devotions we read about in…
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I am persuaded that God is more involved in the creation than we are aware of. We are often aware of God’s involvement in our…
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There is a concept in the English language known as “onomatopoeia” which is where a word sounds like the thing it represents. Consider words like…
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I don’t have a favorite book of the Bible or a favorite verse. I do, however, have a favorite chapter and, while I am generally…
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Last week we looked at the imprecatory psalms. This week, we are taking one step to the side and looking at a couple of specific…
Read MoreWhy the Imprecatory Psalms?
I don’t want to wish ill on anyone. I don’t even like the idea of having enemies. Teachings like “love your enemies,” and “bless those…
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Alean and I are on the road this week, traveling to spend holidays with family. This week’s blog posting comes to you from Kansas. There…
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Planning I’m a “take the hill” kind of guy. This is neither a good nor bad thing. It just is. It’s how I’m wired. It…
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The Gotcha While browsing an online media source this week, I read a statement that gave me pause. It’s a strange sensation we feel when…
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