Easter Worship

We experienced an amazingly powerful time of worship and reflection this evening.

I’m so intensely aware of the depth of my own sin, and times like this evening have a tendency to create something of a war inside me. The accuser, quite accurately and thoroughly brings to mind all the filth that I’m responsible for. Images of the crucifixion, and my sin that brought that about are brought to mind over and over and over, and my own sense of worthlessness is intensified as that happens.

I feel horrible, and hang my head, overwhelmed by my own sense of unworthiness to be there, to sing songs of worship and praise, to take communion. The deceiver’s efforts are intense. I feel like it is an insult to Jesus for me to be there.

Then I realize that it is precisely those thoughts and feelings that are the insult to Jesus. Of course I’m sinful, weak, unworthy. But I’m LOVED! I’m treasured by the creator of the universe, and that’s exactly why Jesus did what he did. Rather than let me die for the pervasive weakness that dominates my life, Jesus willingly chose to lay down his own life in the place of mine. He chose to shoulder the weight of my sin so that I could experience the freedom of his righteousness.

Yes the events commemorated this week are ugly, offensive, repulsive, but they are beautiful, freeing, loving and victorious. You are loved. Be freed by the love of our savior my friend!

Victoriously in Christ!

– damon

Twitter – @DamonJGray
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Damon J. Gray

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