The Sky Fairy
The Game-Winning Insult One of the tactics the world uses against the Christ-follower is shame and embarrassment. For example, “Oh, maybe you should go talk to your sky fairy about that.” We, then, are expected to skulk away like a whipped puppy, with our tail between our legs. They got us! Oh, boy. The “sky…
Read MoreThree Vignettes from Matthew (Part 2)
Last week we saw Jesus do the unimaginable – he actually touched a leper. Directly on the heels of that, in Matthew’s gospel account, Jesus violates yet another societal norm. He interacts with a non-Jew, a Gentile. Immediately after coming down from the mountain, and cleansing the leper, Jesus entered Capernaum. The city of Capernaum,…
Read MoreServing An Absentee Master
Over the past two weeks, we have looked at Jesus as the Son of God – God the Son, and as the Son of Man. Deity walked among humanity – a truth that distinguishes the faith of a Christ-follower from that of every other faith on Earth. Today, we ask, “What did he want of…
Read MoreWe Are Hated for Truth
Taking a stand for Christ, for truth, for righteousness will make a target out of a Christ-follower more quickly than anything else. Any Christ-follower who would deign to verbally, publicly stand against sin must be prepared for an inevitable onslaught of back-pressure from the evil one. The world is not friendly toward Christ-followers, and at…
Read MoreUnited Airlines Has Done Us a Great Favor
The buzz surrounding the United Airlines’ handling of an overbooking has not waned after three days of outrage, finger-pointing, and defensive posturing. United stock is plummeting like an anvil tossed from a rowboat. I have heard, and read arguments from both sides of this story, and both sides have legitimate points to make. What is…
Read MoreThe Disciples Simply Didn’t “Get It”
It has been too long since my last Shades of Gray posting. The life-realities of this world have rudely inserted themselves in my path repeatedly of late, and have distracted me from pursuing my core passion. I apologize for that delay. One Shades of Gray reader recently commented: I don’t understand why the disciples of…
Read MoreI’m Watching You
I just got laughed at by a co-worker from the cubicle across the aisle. I made an update to a Held Labor Hours/Cost report this morning to correct a column display width issue wherein the “t” on the Client column heading was text-wrapping to the next line. I needed to make that column just a…
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