All Who Are Thirsty – Thirst No More
© 2020 MRJN Photography. All Rights Reserved. Unsplash.Used by permission. There are deceivers, and there are the deceived. I really don’t want to be either of those. I know myself well enough to recognize that I am not immune to being taken in. I want so much to believe the best about people, and part…
Read MoreThe World’s Empty Souls & Empty Promises – Filled & Satisfied in Christ!
The Machine I am uncertain how long she had been standing there, faithfully working the vending machine, attending to it with both her time and her money. The entire time I stood in line at the checkout stand to complete my grocery purchase, the woman fed one bill after another into the mouth of the…
Read MoreRed is the New Green
I was reading Psalm 43 this morning. It is a brief, five-verse psalm, and in the middle, verse three says this: “Send out your light and your truth; let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling!” (Psalm 43:3 – ESV) As I pondered that, I began thinking about…
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