Prisoner to Sin
The Blinding, Binding & Grinding of Sin
The varied events in the life of Samson make for a fascinating read. At times I pore over them in astonishment that Samson could be so obtuse and reckless, yet God used him repeatedly for his purposes and his glory. Set apart as a Nazarite from birth,1 Samson did little to live up to and honor…
Read MoreThey Are Not Adversaries – They Are Prisoners
Those of you who have followed my writings and speaking over the years will likely have heard or read my take on relationships. I believe we have only two types of relationships. 1. We have relationships with other brothers and sisters in Christ, other believers. We interact with them as brothers and sisters in Christ…
Read MoreBattle Tactics of the Enemy (Part 2)
Last week we looked at Satan’s disruptive tactics as the “accuser,” accusing God to humanity and accusing humanity to God. We also saw him as the “enticer of lusts.” This week, we continue our look at this enemy, knowing that understanding one’s enemy is a precursor to defeating that enemy. …so that we would not…
Read MoreBattle Tactics of the Enemy (Part 1)
I know of only three occasions in scripture where we read of Satan actually speaking – those incidents wherein he is dialoguing with Eve, dialoguing with God about Job, and when he is tempting Jesus I recognize that some want to attribute Isaiah 14:14 to Satan, “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;…
Read MoreGod Will Give You Exactly What You Want
What if I told you that God will give us exactly what we want – I mean what we really, really want? Would you believe me? I suspect not. But we will look at a passage from the Bible today that tells us exactly that. God will give us what we want. In saying this,…
Read MoreDashed Expectations
In the early 1970s, Dow Chemical Company came out with a new product named Dow Bathroom Cleaner (later sold to S.C. Johnson and re-branded “Scrubbing Bubbles”). With this amazing new product came a popular television advertising campaign featuring a gang of anthropomorphized bubbles with chainsaw-sounding engines and whirling scrub-brushes for feet. As a young lad,…
Read MoreThe “Sinful Nature”
This is Mister Bear. Mister Bear is a good kitty, but he can be a pest, and he’s a very headstrong regarding all those things about which kitties are typically headstrong. You know what I mean: lying on the keyboard when you are trying to type, sitting on your lap when you’re trying to read…
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