“Shelter in place.” “Stay at home.” “Essential trips and services.” These are the familiar messages that bombard our radios, televisions, internet streams. The public reactions are varied, as state upon state issues such executive orders and Subject Matter Expert advisories. Many had previously volunteered to self-quarantine, recognizing the necessity of doing so, while others marched…

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Back in my pastoring days, I was chatting with a member of the flock I was shepherding, when the woman with whom I was chatting said something that struck me, and has stuck with me for more than twenty years. She said, “You’re a wordcrafter.” Wordcrafter is a term I’d not heard prior to her saying…

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© 2018 Matthew Henry. All Rights Reserved. Unsplash. Used by permission.

I have lived the last six weeks alone, or so it seems. My best friend, my wife, makes regular, annual trips each year to visit family living 2,000 miles away. I knew these trips would be necessary before we were married, but knowing it before-hand does not make it any easier for us to be…

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