When God Says “I AM”
I AM and Moses God called Moses to act as his messenger to the Pharaoh of Egypt, the nation that had long oppressed and enslaved the Hebrew people. Moses was to be God’s representative to Pharaoh, demanding that Pharaoh let the people of God go free. Amid Moses’ flurry of pathetic excuses for not serving as God’s…
Read MoreWho is Jesus? (Part 7)
Today, we close our look at the seven “I AM” statements of Jesus in John’s gospel. Over the course of this seven-week journey, we have seen Jesus as the bread of life, the light of the world, the gate to the sheepfold, the good shepherd, the resurrection and the life, the way, the truth, and…
Read MoreWho is Jesus? (Part 6)
We are nearing the end of our look at the seven “I AM” statements of Jesus in John’s gospel. To date, we have seen Jesus as the bread of life, the light of the world, the gate to the sheepfold, the good shepherd, and the resurrection and the life! This week, he is the way,…
Read MoreWho is Jesus? (Part 5)
This week, in our look at the seven “I AMs” of Jesus in John’s gospel, we see one of my favorites. Thus far, Jesus has said he is the bread of life, the light of the world, the gate to the sheepfold, and the good shepherd. This week, Jesus is the resurrection and the life!…
Read MoreWho is Jesus? (Part 4)
To date in this series on the seven “I AMs” of Jesus in John’s gospel, we have seen Jesus as the bread of life, the light of the world, and the gate to the sheepfold. This week, we see him as the good shepherd. I Am the Good Shepherd I am the good shepherd. The…
Read MoreWho is Jesus (Part 3)
Thus far in looking at the seven “I AMs” of Jesus in John’s gospel, we have seen Jesus as the bread of life and as the light of the world. This week, we see him as the door, or the gate. I Am the Gate Therefore Jesus said again, “I tell you the truth, I…
Read MoreWho is Jesus? (Part 2)
Last week we explored the first of Jesus’ seven “I AM” statements in the gospel from John. There, Jesus taught that he is the bread of life. Feeding on Jesus, we know neither hunger nor thirst. This week, Jesus is the light of the world. I Am the Light of the World Again Jesus spoke…
Read MoreWho is Jesus? (Part 1)
The gospel of John is a gospel of “sevens.” Seven is the number of completion or perfection. We see seven witnesses, seven women, seven disciples, seven feasts, seven “signs,” and more. Beginning today, and over the next several weeks, we will look at the seven “I AM” statements from Jesus as recorded in John’s gospel.…
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