Christianese Phrases to Drop, #4
When a brother or sister in Christ finds themselves in a difficult circumstance, we want to help. Indeed, we are called to do so, as we “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2, ESV). Love demands we do this. In that spirit, one will often ask, “How can I…
Read MoreChristianese Phrases to Drop, #3
Pastor Lawrence Lottatalk finished his rousing sermon with a whirlwind summation as the onlookers beamed with amazement and thanksgiving that they are privileged to sit, week after week, at the feet of such a brilliant orator. Following the service, Pastor Lottatalk stood by the exit so he could shake hands and greet his parishioners on…
Read MoreChristianese Phrases to Drop, #2
Some time ago, I proposed that those of us in the community of Christ need to lose the absurd phrase, “God showed up.” This week, I want to look at another “Christianese” phrase that needs to die a quick death – the phrase, “I led [insert name here] to the Lord.” This phrase is almost…
Read MoreBrothers and Sisters, Can I Get an Amen?
I’m offering up something a little lighter this week. I’ve been posting some fairly heavy stuff recently and wanted to do something fun this week. 🙂 Funny Religious Words Religious words are funny things at times. People get into heated debates over things like Calvinism versus Arminianism, or Plenary Verbal Inspiration versus Restricted Inspiration. They…
Read MoreSpiritual Trophies
“I led Ignatias Fibwitz to the Lord last week.” I hear this line, in various forms, quite frequently. Indeed, I heard it just last evening. “I led this person to the Lord,” or “I led that person to the Lord.” I get it. I understand what the person saying this means, yet, I confess that…
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