Posts by Damon J. Gray
The New Love
A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; even as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.– John 13:34, ESV John is the “love guy.” He’s “the disciple whom Jesus loved,”1 and the most likely author of the Gospel of John and the epistles of I, II & III…
Read MoreThe Song of Moses and the Lamb
I love to sing. It is something I used to do well, and it helped me pay my way through college. As I age, my singing has deteriorated, but it is still something I enjoy, particularly when singing praises to God. Music is strewn throughout the pages of scripture, but this week, I want to…
Read MoreDinner With Jesus
Are you comfortable around the downtrodden, the outcast, and the shunned? Are you okay keeping company with the societal lepers, tax collectors, prostitutes, adulterers, thieves, crippled, blind? Are you drawn to those by whom community elites are repulsed? If our aim is to be like Jesus, we need to become a magnet for the destitute,…
Read MoreSoldiers of Christ, Arise!
I know it bothers some folks that the Bible, a book of love about a God of love, is loaded with an abundance of military verbiage. Some of it is true action, history, while some of it is metaphor. But it is irreconcilable for many that the God who is our rock1 and our refuge2 is the…
Read MoreCan You Trust “The Name?”
Some diligent bloggers will blog months in advance, giving themselves a three-to-six-month backlog of material ready to roll at any time. Others, like me, blog in real time. I usually have the coming Monday’s post completed by Wednesday. My approach is certainly a riskier approach because there are times life throws us a curve ball,…
Read MoreWho Is My Neighbor?
At my day job, I manage software development projects for an engineering consulting firm. When a new piece of software is being developed, we often produce what we call an MVP release. That is the Minimum Viable Product, the “must haves” to be developed so the software can be used and accomplish what was intended…
Read MorePraying for You
It is a pleasant thing to learn that others are praying for us. If I’m being candid, there is a significant part of me that holds to the unbiblical idea that the prayers of others are so much more effective than my own feeble offerings. Cognitively I know this is untrue, but my gut says…
Read MoreA Blunt Instruction from John
Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, for whoever…
Read MoreConsidering Angels
Angels are fascinating creatures. Perhaps part of their fascination, for me at least, is that we seem to know so little about them. Much of what we believe about angels is artistic or authorial speculation. I suggest this week, however, that we know more than we might think we know. Volumes have been written about…
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